Por: 1996celta/rosafermu ( MADRID - España )

martes, 4 de enero de 2011


Pierce Brosnan, Olicia Williams, Ewan McGregor

Roman Polanski
According to  The HuffingtonPost's, the film The ghost writer is considered one of the ten best in the year ended.The victory is certainly merit of its director and screenwriter, but it also contributed to the magnificent actors who played their respective roles and in turn have been considered by the critics as:
Best supporting actor:  PIERCE BROSNAN
Best european acotr:    EWAN MCGREGOR
Best actress:                OLIVIA WILLIAMS
Best director:               ROMAN POLANSKI, etc. not forgetting the best soundtrack, best production...
All of them and the circunstances surrounding Mr.Polanski have been the focus of views this good thriller that keeps you hooked until the end.
In no time, we know the Academy awards agree with their European  colleagues and give them the top prize.

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